Monday, October 11, 2010

Another baby stuff update for mom et al.

Phillip is totally on a monkey kick and jungle stuff is so cute that I just went along with it. Here is the bedding we picked out along with a shot of the crib:



The crib converts up to a toddler bed and eventually up to a full size and also some kind of day bed thingy...Whether it'll actually be used past the toddler bed size, we'll see. It came with the piece to go to a toddler bed but you have to buy the rails seperetely and I can't imagine them still selling them in when we eventually need them. Ah well.

Toy storage: keeping with the monkey theme. It's an old basket but it'll work great for a little storage for now.


I guess that's all the shots I have for now. I will try to update this more regularly. Sorry guys!