Okay, here is an official update on where I am with the 101 in 1001. I've decided to make some changes and I've finally made some progress getting some more things off the list!
30. Go one week without coffee.
Done! As of today I am 8 days coffee free and still feeling a slight headache everyday. I gave it up for lent so I have quite a few more days to go. Okay, technically I had decaf last night but since the idea was to give up my morning coffee caffiene addiction, I'm calling it done!
53. Reduce debt load by 25%
Sitting somewhere between 11-12% currently. Hopefully we'll be able to hit 25% by the end of the year.
57. Go to the dentist for a checkup and cleaning
Have I communicated how much I hate the dentist? The numbing agent doesn't work on me properly so I still feel quite a bit of pain when they are working on my teeth. Hate it. Sigh. Went in for a first concultation with a new dentist and now I have to be numbed up for a "deep cleaing" on the 11th. So not a happy camper here.
59. Renew Passport
Done but it was a painfully long process.
68. Buy a new PDA
Done! I bought a palm centro. Love it!!!!
92. Read 50 books and journal about them.
I'm changing this to reading 52 books and I'm not worrying about the journalling. I'm up to 14 this year so far.
Hmm, I think that's it for now!!
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